Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ice Storm

This was the view of my backyard on Sunday. That was the first day we had no power. It even came to be that none of these trees on these wires were the cause of it. Not even sure the ones closest to the ground are powerlines. They may be phone or cable. I am just happy to finally be back in my home and have electricity.


Steve Cuddihy said...

Whoa! I heard about that storm and all of the trouble it has caused. This is actually the only photo I've seen of the ice storm believe it or not. [I don't watch much TV] I heard a lot about it on the radio though.

The ice cycles hanging from the power lines tells it all. Just scary what a storm like that can do.

I hope you have a few more photos to post and that everything is about back to normal.

Victoria said...

Looks like you all got the storm pretty bad up there too. I was without power for a few days, and only got it back yesterday. I hope everyone made it through okay!

Blaine said...

I'm glad you're back with your usual comforts.

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