Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Living Windows- Bell Ringers

The bell ringers for Salvation Army have been out for a few weeks here in Mid-Missouri. There was one downtown for living Windows. For me, the bell ringers are part of the Christmas season. This year is the first year I have been able to teach my three year about giving and the bell ringers at the stores have been a perfect opportunity to teach her about giving to those who don't have anything. She does want to know why the bell ringers are talking to everyone though, as I have also taught her not to talk to strangers. Have you ever noticed in today's society, some of our best lessons seem to conflict to three year olds?

1 comment:

Gwen said...

The bellringers are part of the Christmas season, aren't they? Maybe Florida begins the holiday season a little later, alot of windows here aren't even decorated yet!

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