Monday, January 14, 2008

Lincoln University

Jefferson City has one major univeristy, Lincoln University. It has other University's which have buildings or have classes in Jefferson City, but Lincoln is the only one which has a campus. The students are back in town and classes start for the semester today. Lincoln was established by the soldiers of the 62nd and 65th Colored Infantries in 1866 for African Americans interested in continuing their education. It is a historical black university, but is now open to all races. This picture is of one of the newer buildings, Page Library. I will be featuring pictures of the campus all week.


Pat said...

Oh, how I like this picture of grand architecture! Lovely!


Guelph Daily Photo, Pat's Photo-a-Day

Kunal Bhatia said...

the scale of the arches is quite appealing; almost like a monumental approach to the building.
- Mindless Mumbai

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