Monday, April 21, 2008

Parking Meters

Many of the parking meters in town are two hour limit, especially by the capitol area. Of course a ticket is only $5 if you go over.


Bob Crowe said...

$5 for a ticket? So who cares? It costs more than that to park in a garage anywhere in downtown St. Louis. Does the JCPD re-ticket a car periodically if it's on an expired meter for a long time? The lobbyists probably consider the fine a very small business expense.

Jen said...

Yes, the JCPD retickets, and the fine increases. However, around the capitol are a few 3 hour visitor spots. These tickets are also $5.00 and they are county and not city, as it is the capitol police. They do not usually reticket.

Jim Klenke said...

Just a $5 ticket, how do they pay the police to drive around in the buggy with the white chalk?

Do they do that there? They did it in Union, Mo. I lived on the county square, they dinged people all of the time with white chalk on a long stick.

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