Getting in the mood for Spring.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I took this picture of these two geese on a very cold day. It is amazing to think that they can be in the water when it is that cold. They were at Binder Lake. I enjoyed taking pictures out there, but cannot wait to return and take pictures when it is warmer!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Bolivar Street
This picture is looking up Bolivar street. On the left is the Secretary of State office. I have posted a picture of the front of it here. I love the way the clouds look. This day that I was out taking pictures, the sky would go from stormy on one side to perfect blue on the other.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Weird weather
This weather keeps getting weirder. The snow is almost all gone, but there is a forcast for more tonight. Fifties during the day, snow at night. I am so ready for Spring.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Snowball Fight!
We woke up this morning to fresh snow. I did not even know it was expected. Of course it was in the 40s yesterday and is forcasted to be even warmer today. As we were playing in the snow, it was melting off the trees all around us.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Closed for Winter
This is a picture of the pavillion and lake dock at a local park/lake, Binder Lake. It is of course closed for winter. I am hoping however, that winter is really close to over, because I am ready for Spring.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Flood Stages
They tell me the numbers on the bridge have something to do with the river level and the flood stage. It makes no sense to me since the numbers seem to be going the wrong way.
*you might have to make this picture bigger by clicking on it to see the numbers.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Electricty = Warmth
In an effort to think outside the box about photography I am challenging myself with a word a week to then try to think of things to photograph that convey that word. I am posting my results over on my other blog. This week's words is warmth and this is one of the pictures I took for the word. This might not convey warmth to you right at first, but as we have another pending ice storm today, it is all about keeping electricity to keep our heat. Plus I love this shot and wanted to share it on this blog too.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Jefferson City has lots of railroad tracks. Many have been abandoned over the years, but these down by the river are still very operational. These tankers were sitting on the tracks when I was down there taking pictures.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Missouri has an adopt a highway program like most states do nowadays. In fact, Missouri's program is 20 years old. Back in the 1990s the program got a lot of press when they denied the KKK's application for "adopting" a highway. The KKK sued and took it to court and won. When Missouri was forced to let the Klan have it's sign they renamed the highway, the Rosa Parks highway. When I was out taking pictures yesterday and saw this sign, I remembered this story and thought it was worth sharing.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Big Box Stores
When Best Buy first came to town I was very excited. We do not really have any other stores like it here in Jefferson City. Before they came printers and other computer equipment came usually were bought from Staples, an office supply store. Today I headed there to buy a flash for my camera. I normally do not buy my camera equipment there. I had gotten a $40 gift card for my birthday, so I thought I might as well get it there. Even taking off the amount of my gift card, it cost more than it does from my favorite internet camera store. I ended up leaving without spending the gift card. I know they can be the cheapest on movies and have the best selection of software, but I think I was so disappointed at the flash. Oh well, I am sure I will be back.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Last of Chinese New Year
I am hoping to get out tomorrow and get some new shots. Hopefully there will be no rain. It is going to be bitter cold. I am running out of subjects or ideas in this wintertime. I am waiting for Spring.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Chinese Yo Yo
This picture is of a boy playing with a Chinese "yo-yo". I do not know what it is, but I am sure there is a more technical term for it. There was a marketplace that was managed by the Our Chinese Daughters Foundation. They had lots of cool things for sale.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Chinese Music
We had students from the University of Missouri come down and perform for us. This young lady played the Chinese harp. It had a beautiful sound.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Chinese School Students
The JC Chinese School performed for us before lunch. There are several children from the FCC group who currently attend,. The Chinese School is relatively new for Jefferson City, but seems to be taking off well. The woman who is leading the kids is the teacher.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Welcome Year of the Rat
Today was our Chinese New Year party for the local Family with Children from China group, to which we belong. FCC is an organization of families who have adopted children from China. The purpose of FCC is provide a network of support for families who've adopted in China and to provide information to prospective parents. There are groups all over the United States. Our big event of the year is the Chinese New Year Party. This year is welcoming in the year of the rat. It was fun with food, Dancers, singing, and crafts. I will be posting more pictures of the festivites over the next week.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Lohman Building
Part of the Jefferson Landing State Historic Site, the Lohman building was built in 1839 and purchased by Charles Lohman, a German immigrant in 1852, is a sturdy stone structure that served as a tavern and hotel. In its heyday it also housed one of the city's largest warehouse and mercantile businesses. Today, the main floor contains a visitor center with exhibits on the city's history.
*from Jefferson City Convention and Visitor's Bureau
Thursday, February 7, 2008
River Bench
This is a bench along the river. It is right by the marker I showed a few days ago with Lewis and Clark. The house you can barely see in the upper left hand corner is the Governor's mansion.
Happy Chinese New Year. We will be celebrating this weekend with our local Families with Children from China group, so I will hopefully have some pictures of that event starting on Saturday or Sunday.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Back to Reality
This is a picture of the walkway at the Governor's Garden. I love the way the arches seem to go on forever.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Breaking the Rules
Please someone fly me away to somewhere warm.
*this picture is from Fort Morgan, Alabama. I don't think there is a blog for that city, so I am not stepping on any toes.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Old Bench
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Who knows MO?
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Lewis and Clark were here!
Jefferson City has a rich Lewis and Clark history as we are on the Missouri River on which they traveled. This is a marker right off of the river on the end of Madison street. They are building a much bigger memorial closer to the capitol. Click on the picture to enlarge and read the marker.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Monthly Photo Day - What my city is known for
This was a no brainer for me as far as the subject. The capitol. My favorite thing to photograph. Now how to photograph it is always a challenge to me. This is from the East. The construction is a new Lewis and Clark memorial, which is the other thing that my city is known for. The capitol is actually more symbolic for what my city is known for; government. When people in my state say, "what happens in Jeff City", they mean, what government does. More appropriately, I could have used a picture of a state building, or a state worker, or even an interest group office, as Jefferson City is also overflowing with them. But this building, is the one everyone thinks of when they think Jefferson City, but it is not the one where most of the work takes place.
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